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by Restore NYC

Trafficking Victims – A Hidden Population

Human traffickers prey on society’s most vulnerable - the poor, the uneducated, the undocumented, the homeless. They control victims by force, fraud or coercion, using beatings, sexual assault, gang rape, blackmail, or threats of serious harm to loved ones. These victims, already vulnerable due to pre-existing circumstances, are even more helpless to escape once under the control of traffickers.


Though the State Department estimates that 18,000 foreign nationals are trafficked annually into the U.S., only a small percentage is identified, leaving thousands still hidden.

Alternative text.

Restore NYC’s Find & Restore Campaign

We refuse to leave these hidden victims behind. Our fall 2013 Find & Restore Campaign to identify hundreds more trafficking victims needs your help!


Each victim identification currently costs $250, which covers five sessions with a Restore counselor.


Your donation toward our $75,000 goal will help us do so much more.


$75,000 will fund one year of new and creative initiatives to outsmart traffickers and identify their victims:

  1. Stronger partnerships with law enforcement

  2. Stronger partnerships with community organizations

  3. Stronger partnerships with other anti-trafficking organizations

  4. Pilot programs and experiments designed to find victims hidden in plain sight

Restore NYC's Mission


Restore NYC’s mission is to end sex trafficking in New York and restore the well-being and independence of foreign-national survivors. Working to this end, we:

  • Deliver complete care, addressing physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
  • Provide community and safe, long-term housing.
  • Empower survivors when they cooperate with law enforcement.
  • Increase awareness and understanding in the greater community.
  • Advocate for effective policies and legislation.




$2,075 RAISED

$75,000 GOAL

This Appeal 13 3%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.